If you aren't sure what a chiropractor or chiropractic is, then rest assured, chiropractors are nationally regulated healthcare professionals with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) just like dentists and GPs.
Chiropractors are highly skilled allied health professionals who graduated after the required minimum of 5 years of University training in subjects such as radiology, neurology, anatomy, and physiology among many other health and science subjects. A chiropractor also required to adhere to strict and extensive educational standards yearly to maintain their registration.
Chiropractic care is a drug and surgery-free treatment available for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system; this includes the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and an individual's general wellbeing. A chiropractor treats conditions involving neck, back, and spine pain. Chiropractic care is based on the teachings of Galen and Hippocrates and the premise that the body can respond appropriately to its environment provided that the nervous system is free of interference. This was further developed by D.D. Palmer in the U.S.A. which led to a focus on the spinal column and its functioning. So today, chiropractors focus on the detection and correction of aberrant spinal or joint function and its subsequent effect on how the nervous system controls and coordinates the body.
"You don't need a referral to see a chiropractor, just book an appointment"
There are many chiropractors in the Sydney region and Sydney CBD who are seen as experts in dealing with conditions such as:
- Headaches or migraines
- Neck stiffness or pain
- Shoulder conditions or stiffness
- Low back pain
- Upper back pain
- Rib pain
- Sciatica
- Neuropathy or radiculopathy
- Disc injury (disc bulge, disc herniation or ‘slipped disc’)
- Arm pain
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
- Leg pain
- Knee pain
- Hip pain or feeling ‘out of whack’
- Foot pain
- Scoliosis or spinal curvature
- Chronic pain
- Poor posture and
- Other spinal conditions or joint / muscle problems
Visit a chiropractor near me to get pain relief and improve your wellbeing. You can book an appointment at our clinic online in a few short steps.
Preventative Chiropractic is protecting your most important asset which is your health.
Chiropractic is used by millions of people weekly around the world, principally to help maximise the function of the nervous system and to deal with musculoskeletal conditions. The ongoing use of chiropractors is part of a healthy lifestyle along with exercise, good nutrition, stress regulation, and other public health measures such as dental checks, good hygiene, pollution reduction, etc.
Chiropractors have the distinct recognition as the leaders in spinal manipulation to give you access to modern methods of natural healthcare. The New Zealand Government’s inquiry (1) found that spinal manipulative therapy in the hands of a registered chiropractor is remarkably safe. An Ontario Ministry of Health Report (2) analysis projected that if Chiropractic care utilisation was doubled in Ontario then the Government was estimated to save $348 million Canadian dollars and indirect savings of $1.85 billion Canadian dollars. Other research shows similar cost savings to the economy with the wide spread use of chiropractic care.
Spinal hygiene should be thought of as similar to dental hygiene. Just like there are things you do every day to keep your teeth healthy, there are things you should do every day to keep your spine healthy. It is important to not only schedule regular dentist appointments, but also regular spinal adjustment appointments with a chiropractor. Besides regular chiropractor care, you can improve your wellbeing with corrective chiropractic care, which, with our teeth analogy, would be comparable to the orthodontist. At corrective chiropractor appointments, patients receive more in-depth and intensive work on their back and spine to improve spinal curves, This helps with poor posture, postural displacement, scoliosis, and other conditions. An overall better posture is not just about looking good, it is part of your long-term wellbeing. It was shown in the American Journal of Pain Management (3) that “to live a long, active, energetic life, few things matter more than good posture.”.
Research continues to demonstrate not just the neurological and orthopedic, but also health system benefits available from chiropractic care. The science of chiropractic is becoming increasingly clear: your investment in your visits to the best chiropractor in Sydney CBD or wherever you are, is a long term saving on your most important asset.
We have many clinic locations where you can visit a chiropractor near me.
(1) Chiropractic in New Zealand: Report of the Commission of Inquiry. (1979). Hasselberg PD, Government Printer, Wellington, New Zealand
(2) Enhanced Chiropractic Coverage under OHIP as a Means of Reducing Health Care Costs, Attaining Better Health Outcomes and Achieving Equitable Access to Health Services. Professor Pran Magna Ph.D., Professor Doug Angus. Feb 1998. (Appendix 6)
(3) Lennon J, Shealy N, Cady RK, Matta W, Cox R, Simpson WF. Postural and respiratory modulation of autonomic function, pain, and health. American Journal of Pain Management 1994;4:36-39
Wellness Chiropractic is about maximising and optimising your mind and body performance for the fullest expression of your life potential.
The chiropractic philosophy revolves around the body's innate intelligence which is more than just a genetic predetermination. It's the body's ability to know what to do with itself given the right internal and external environment to produce vitality in health and life potential.
In a vitalistic rather than an allopathic approach to wellbeing. With the help of a chiropractor near you, you have the potential to outperform allopathic life expectations and improve the quality of your life. The focus of chiropractor appointments is on removing dysfunction and distortion of the natural mechanisms of the body, as well as nurturing and fortifying those same systems along with a strong, positive, and well mind.
Wellness is defined by the World Health Organization as “a state of complete well-being” as opposed to being simply free from diseases. A person who does not have any illness may be physically healthy but may be suffering from emotional, psychological, or social issues, in which cases wellness care may be required.
Laid out more practically, the "Well" individual has strong and consistent sources of love and friendship in their life, they have financial independence as well as a purpose in their life, they have age-appropriate fitness and good nutrition along with high function of their body systems and manageable stress levels. Ideally, they also have spiritual growth along with their own personal development. An example of someone like this could be Anthony Robbins.
A high-quality life and improved wellness are available to you and your family. Our clinics are here to help. You can call or contact us online to schedule your appointments today.
About 90% of elite athletes use a chiropractor as estimated by a top sports physiologist. If you exercise but aren’t using chiropractic, then you need to ask yourself “what am I missing out on?”.
From Usain Bolt, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Venus Williams, Mr. Olympia Phil Heath, and Michael Jordan, to all the American NFL teams and many Olympic teams, so many of the top sports people use chiropractic for the simple reason that it helps them get results, unlike other health professions.
Research shows that adding a good chiropractor to sports physicians and physiotherapists in the management of sports teams can dramatically reduce injury. The chiropractor in Sydney University focuses on your injury and at the same time diagnoses the injury to your tendon, joint, muscle, disc, or bone. The chiropractor also assesses what lead up to the injury. Is there poor neuromuscular control? Is there muscular imbalance or over recruitment? Is there a biomechanics weakness that you have or that you developed? Is it just poor conditioning? Your chiropractor will help address your current conditions, relieve pain, and prevent future injuries.