January 5


The Crypto Chiro

By campuschiropractic

January 5, 2021

Do you want to find a chiropractor who accepts cryptocurrency / Bitcoin payment?

From January 2021, Campus Chiropractic & Wellness will be taking payments for chiropractic and remedial massage therapy in major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

If you are are one of the savvy ones who bought their crypto before 2020 then you are probably looking for things you can spend your Bitcoin on. What better than to have your new wealth start to help you with your health? You can read more about our chiropractic and massage services to work out If you'd like to use us and to pay with cryptocurrency is as easy as paying on the PAY page of our website. Due to the increased processing charges, crypto payment for services is full price.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you soon!


About the author

Campus Chiropractic & Wellness is as natural health clinic on the campus of the University of Sydney. The main services are chiropractic & remedial massage. Its current location was established in 2011 after Dr Jeremy Hammond, chiropractor, had already provided chiropractic on campus for 11 years.

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Book yourself in to an appointment for chiropractic, remedial massage or custom foot orthotics. 
