
Remedial Massage Near Me: Sydney University Remedial Massage Therapy

We have a very experienced female massage therapist with full Australian qualifications at our remedial massage clinic who consistently receive high recommendations for the quality of her massage therapy. Getting a massage can help relieve pain and improve your health. Our high-quality remedial massage therapists are registered for HICAPS, so you can get your private health insurance rebates instantly.

If you are new to remedial massage, you may be wondering, how can a massage benefit me? Is there a remedial massage therapist near where I live? How can I choose the best massage therapist for me? We will help answer all the questions you have about remedial massage and provide details on how to book your massage appointment online today!

remedial massage Sydney

Benefits of regular massage therapy

Regular remedial massage therapy is beneficial for maintaining the body's wellness, relieving pain, and working towards optimal health.

Remedial massage uses specific techniques to stretch and lengthen connective tissue and muscles. Remedial massage reduces pain and discomfort, bringing wellness and a sense of relaxation and mobility to the client.


In remedial massage therapy, the best practitioners are trained to perform a treatment using not only observation and assessment skills but also tactile feeling hands skills to direct the individual treatment for a client. Your massage therapist will give you an individualized massage that addresses your needs, gives you pain relief, and improves your health.

Modern studies have shown that remedial massage can be used to assist a variety of disorders, including:

  • anxiety
  • arthritis
  • back pain
  • chronic pain
  • constipation
  • depression
  • headache
  • insomnia and
  • high blood pressure.


Remedial massage works with the body's soft tissue, which improves the function of joints and muscles. The massage also benefits nerve and organ functions and tissue repair. Other benefits of good quality remedial massage therapy include:

  • Physical relaxation
  • Stretching of the ligaments and tendons
  • Improved circulation, which improves metabolic waste elimination e.g., lactic acid, uric acid, and metabolic wastes
  • Relieves tight muscles (knots) as well as other aches and pains from exercise or other activities
  • Keeps ligaments and tendons subtle and “young”
  • Releases nerve compression (sciatica, carpal tunnel)
  • Shortens recovery time from muscular strain
  • Increases flexibility and range of motion
  • Relieves mental and physical fatigue resulting in enhanced energy
  • Specific clinical advantages to assist in a medical, rehabilitation, or remedial therapy program
  • Reduces levels of stress hormones, e.g., adrenalin, cortisol, and norepinephrine
  • Prompts the release of endorphins, the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing
  • Relaxes the nervous system and the mind
  • Enhances oxygenation of the brain
  • Breaks down and eliminates toxins

Don't wait to book your massage therapy appointment and start receiving the benefits of remedial massage today!

What is the difference between remedial massage and deep tissue massage therapy?

Remedial massage is a massage where the therapist will assess and identify which areas of the body require treatment. Once the therapist locates and understands the problem causing the pain and injury, the therapist will perform a targeted massage on the area. Remedial massage is not diagnostic, but it is tailored with the aim to treat muscles that are damaged, knotted, tense, or immobile to help your body return to normal. The massage targets specific parts of the body and uses different techniques to locate muscles that require rehabilitation. 

On the other hand, deep tissue massage uses very firm pressure and flowing strokes that can be a little uncomfortable. This pressure is used to target deep muscles, help break up scar tissue/adhesions, and relieve tension from connective tissues. The massage generally uses friction or stripping of the muscle, which can help chronic muscle pain.

Why choose Campus Chiropractic for a remedial massage?

We have a fully qualified team of remedial massage therapists with proven years of experience in remedial massage. They use a wide array of expertise, styles, and techniques to help you heal faster and naturally. The massage will relieve pain, helping you get back to your regular daily activities and favorite exercise routines. Our massage clients continually describe the massages as the best they've had in Sydney. We have HICAPS and HEALTH POINT at our massage clinic for instant private health insurance claims, which will save you time claiming it yourself.

How to choose the best remedial massage near me?

Are you asking yourself, where can I find a massage near me? Search no more! CAMPUS CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS is your local clinic if you live in Glebe, Ultimo, Darlington, Newtown, Erskineville, Enmore, Chippendale, Eveleigh, Alexandria, or Camperdown.

In choosing the right remedial massage therapist, it is important to make sure that they're trained and registered with the proper massage credentials to practice here in Australia. Find a remedial massage therapist near you by checking on their website - look for the profile, which says their qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise. Make sure that you feel comfortable and that the remedial massage therapist matches your needs. Another way of choosing your massage therapist is to ask your Chiropractor or your Allied Health Professional for a referral or use the therapists they employ in their clinics. It is always good to have a referral or recommendation from someone you trust.

Don't put off receiving the benefits of remedial massage; it is quick and easy to book a massage with one of our massage therapists. What is even better is that we have clinics near you, so you won't need to travel far for your massage.

What to expect from a remedial massage?

If it's your first time, your massage therapist will begin by asking you questions about why you're getting a massage. They might ask you some questions about your lifestyle, current pain, and health history. This will give your massage therapist a better understanding of your current condition. After getting the necessary information, your massage therapist will leave the room and ask you to undress- (keeping your undergarments on),- lay down on a table, and cover yourself with towels for your privacy and to keep you warm. When you're ready, your massage therapist will knock before they come back in. They use oil to smoothly massage your skin and to help them assess your muscles before focusing on parts of your body that require treatment. Once your therapist establishes the location of the knotted or tense muscle, they will start to release the muscle. They might use some stretching techniques to lengthen different body parts. They will ask you every now and then during the massage about the level of pressure. You can always tell your therapist if you're not comfortable with the massage pressure - they can always adjust it based on your tolerance.

How often should you get massages from a remedial therapist?

As we all know, everyone is different. There will be no specific answer to fit everyone's needs. We suggest that you base the frequency of your massages on your lifestyle and daily life activities. If you have a very active lifestyle and exercise frequently, you might benefit from a weekly or fortnightly massage appointment to help prevent muscles from getting tense or knotted. If your daily activities do not require you to move much,a maintenance massage is generally recommended every 4-8 weeks.  You can also ask your Allied health practitioner or massage therapist to give you advice based on what they think will be beneficial for your current condition. 

If you are ready for the benefits of remedial messages, book an appointment with a remedial massage therapist today.
