June 14


World Spine Day 2017 Sydney Chiropractic

By campuschiropractic

June 14, 2017

It's Time to Celebrate World Spine Day.

We all have a spine but not enough knowledge to properly take care of it. World Spine Day highlights the importance of your spine and our Chiropractors are experts in spinal care so there is something you can do today to check up your spinal health.

Watch the Video for World Spine Day 2017 Below


About the author

Campus Chiropractic & Wellness is as natural health clinic on the campus of the University of Sydney. The main services are chiropractic & remedial massage. Its current location was established in 2011 after Dr Jeremy Hammond, chiropractor, had already provided chiropractic on campus for 11 years.

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Book yourself in to an appointment for chiropractic, remedial massage or custom foot orthotics. 
